Licking Twig Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Corn Cob Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge Aqua Hotpress Cotton paper
10 x 8 inches
Leaf Boot
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Cactus Leaf Boot
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Olive Oyl's Steppin' Out Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Forget-Me-Not Boot
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Bearded Iris Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches

The Bearded Iris is also called the German Iris. The Fleur de Lis icon was adapted from the bearded iris and used as a symbol of power and position by royal families. And maybe more important to us today is its use in Bombay Gin for flavor and color.

Fleur-de-lis Iris Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches

The bearded iris bloom has been the symbol of monarchs and royal families throughout history. "Iris" is the name of the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow. The "Fleur de Lys" icon was fashioned from the iris and used on royal banners by the Bourbon Kings of France and on the flag until the revolution. It is currently on Québec's flag. The iris has been used in Great Britain by Edward III and Elizabeth I. The flower is almost as famous as the rose in great art and the root of the iris is used in the production of perfumes.

Chinese Bark Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Remembering Estelle
Colored Pencil on Archival Dura-Lar Film
8 x 10 inches

Third and final attempt at memorial shoe for my best friend's mother, Estelle, who died of Covid-19 in 2020. She was stylish, dramatic to the max and always wore high heels (even walking in New York).

Remembering Estelle, Second Attempt (Estelle's Walking Shoe)
Colored Pencil on Archival Dura-Lar Film
8 x 10 inches

Second attempt at a memorial shoe for my best friend's mother, Estelle, who died of Covid-19 in 2020.

Remembering Estelle, First Attempt (Estelle's Florid Heel)
Colored Pencil on Archival Dura-Lar Film
11 x 14 inches

First attempt at piece in remembrance of the passing of my best friend's mother. She died of COVID-19. Estelle was wonderfully dramatic and always wore heels in New York.

Orange Killer Boot
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
9 x 12 inches

The name references the flower of the beautiful and deadly angel's trumpet plant, known for its heavenly evening scent and large pendulous, trumpet-shaped blooms. This can be one mean plant. Eating the flower causes TERRIFYING hallucinations, loss of any connection to reality and even death. One man cut off his penis and tongue under the influence of one cup of tea brewed from the plant. Several South American indigenous cultures have used the plant mixed with maize beer and tobacco leaves "to drug wives and slaves before they were BURIED ALIVE with their dead lord." Watch out.

Nature's Nurture Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
11x14 inches
Curly Leaf Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
11 x 14 inches
Garden Goddess Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
14 x 11 inches
Australian Orchid Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
14 x 11 inches
Killer Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
11 x 14 inches
Very Smart Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
14 x 11 inches
Cat Zip Boot
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
8 x 8 inches
Grassy / Seaweed Shoe
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
14 x 11
Corny Men's Dancin' Shoe
Colored Pencil on Stonehenge White cotton paper
12 x 9 inches
Mother's Day Boutque
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
11 x 14 inches
Flower Rain Boot
Colored Pencil on Lennox Cotton paper
11 x 14 inches